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MapLink™ | Procedures | Planned Retail Business Center

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Planned Retail Business Center
A detailed landscaping plan prepared and sealed by a registered landscape architect shall be submitted to the Township for review and approval to determine compliance with Township ordinances. Such landscaping plan shall also show that substantial landscaping will provide an effective buffer to protect nearby homes from significant nuisances.

A preliminary architectural sketch, prepared by a registered architect, shall be submitted of all proposed principal buildings, together with a list of range of types of exterior building materials that will be visible from a public street. A principal commercial building shall not have the appearance of a flat roof as viewed from a public street. Variations in rooflines and facades are strongly encouraged. See bonus provisions in § 184-218.

A statement shall be provided describing the methods that will be used to control litter. Such statement shall commit the current and future owners of the property to a centralized system of collecting litter within the parking areas and around the perimeter of the site on a regular schedule and the placement of trash containers that are convenient to customers and that are emptied on a frequent regular schedule.

Transit stop. Where the Township anticipates that public transportation will be available, an appropriate bus stop location shall be provided. Such bus stop shall be located and designed in consultation with the transit provider. The stop shall include an appropriate and sturdy shelter. Exterior walls of a shelter shall be mostly clear for security purposes. A sitting area shall be provided for riders.

Once conditional use approval is granted to the planned retail business center, then individual allowed uses may be permitted by right, provided that the development complies with the conditional use approval and provided that all other requirements of this chapter are met. Minor variations in the sizes and types of individual uses shall be permitted, provided that the intensity of the development is not increased. If the Zoning Officer determines that an application will represent a substantive change from the approved conditional use application, then a revised conditional use application shall be required.

Where a traffic impact study will be required under the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance,[3] it shall be submitted with the conditional use application.

A unified stormwater management plan shall be provided.

See § 184-214A for complete, detailed information.
See Planning and Zoning for more information.