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MapLink™ | Procedures | Special Exceptions

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Special Exceptions
Standards for special exception and conditional use approval.
In addition to the other requirements of this chapter, a special exception or conditional use application shall only be approved if the applicant proves that the following standards will be met, as applicable:
A. That the proposal will not significantly negatively impact the use of neighboring properties and/or the character of an existing or approved residential neighborhood.

B. That the proposal includes adequate site design methods, such as plant screening, tree preservation, setbacks and berming, as needed to avoid significant negative impacts on nearby uses.

C. That proposals to provide water service, sewage service and stormwater management are feasible and follow professionally sound methods. However, if such matters will be subject to professional review and approval under a separate Township ordinance, then the zoning approval may defer to such other approval.

D. That the use will not create a significant hazard to the public health and safety, such as fire, toxic or explosive hazards.

E. That the use will not result in or substantially add to a significant traffic safety hazard or significant traffic congestion.
Specific standards for variances and special exceptions.
Special exceptions.The Zoning Hearing Board shall hear and decide requests for special exceptions in accordance with the standards and criteria found in the particular section of this zoning chapter that permits application for said special exception, and with the general standards in § 184-43. In granting any special exception, the Board may attach such reasonable conditions and safeguards as it may deem necessary to implement the purposes of this zoning chapter.

Expiration of variance or special exception.
Unless otherwise specified by the Limerick Township Board of Supervisors, a special exception or variance shall expire if the applicant fails to obtain all permits within one year of the date of authorization thereof, except as modified below:
A. Zoning relief that requires the issuance of a building permit may be extended up to an additional 12 months if the Zoning Officer determines the applicant has shown good cause in writing.

B. In the event a subdivision or land development plan is required following the granting of a special exception or variance, the variances or special exceptions shall not expire so long as the plan is actively under consideration by the Township, in which case the time limit shall apply from the date of unappealable final plan approval by the Board of Supervisors.