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MapLink™ | Procedures | Mixed Residential Development Option

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Mixed Residential Development Option
Mixed residential development option. The mixed residential development option shall be permitted as a conditional use, subject to the standards established herein in § 184-127.1 and § 184-43. The mixed-use residential development option by conditional use requires the following:
(1) The landowner must prove at the time of the conditional use hearing that adequate public water and public sewer is available for the project and that there is capacity in the existing collection system and related pump stations, as well as the sewer treatment plant for the use that is being proposed. This may involve a commitment from the landowner to pay for an expansion to the system.

(2) If the conditional use is granted, none of the remaining parcel shall ever be used for a mobile home park development.

(3) If the official street map of the Township indicates a road to be placed anywhere on the landowner's property, then at the time of conditional use, the applicant must file a covenant running with the land indicating that the applicant will install the road at the applicant's expense under the specifications approved by the Township and that the road will be completely installed before any zoning use permit or certificate of occupancy is issued for any of the units on the subject property. At the time of the conditional use hearing, the applicant must show all landscaping for the plan, as well as the landscaping and streetscape improvements within the adjacent Main Street District that are required by the Main Street Zoning District. As a condition of approval, the applicant will be required to install all landscaping and streetscape improvements required by the Main Street District before any zoning use permit is permitted for any construction, except any adjustment agreed to by the Board of Supervisors.

(4) As part of the conditional use hearing, the applicant must prove that they have conceptual agreement from PennDOT or the county for any roads to be built or any roads to be realigned or vacated. It does not have to be a final HOP permit, but the applicant must obtain something, in writing, saying that PennDOT is in general agreement with the concept or, if it is a county road, that the County is in general agreement with the concept.